Keith Palmer

Latest News

PIDG to establish new equity and mezzanine finance facility.

Keith has been appointed chair of the new facility on an interim basis to lead the design and implementation of this new facility which will invest in infrastructure projects in Sub Sahara Africa and countries in South and South East Asia (August 2016).

AgDevCo expands its activities and increases funding.

AgDevCo has expanded its activities into several new countries and now exists in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzaniain East Africa, Zambia, Uganda and Rwanda in Central Africa and Ghana and Sierra Leone in West Africa. It has now also received additional funding to support its investment activities and the smallholder Development unit.

Enterprise for Development Supports TIST.

EFD is providing grant and the support to TIST which is the funcding that will contribute to the financing expansion programme in four countries in Sub Saharan Africa.

The achievements of PIDG, ten years on - new report published Oct 2014

Keith has written a report about the first ten years of Private Infrastructure Development Group, which provided a "strong, successful platform for financing infrastructure in low-income countries". The report also sets out a number of new initiatives. Full report can be downloaded from here.

Keith Palmer appointed Deputy Chairman of Monitor May 2014

Keith was appointed as Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Director of Monitor. 

Keith Palmer appointed Senior Adviser to PIDG Governing Council Apr 2014

Keith was appointed Senior Adviser to the PIDG Governing Council following his retirement as Chair of Infraco Africa. 

AgDevCo receives additional funding for investments in Tanzania Nov 2013

In November 2013 Keith accompanied the Secretary of State for International Development on a visit to Tanzania during which she announced that AgDevCo will receive up to $25 million to invest in three agribusiness opportunities in southern Tanzania, each of which will improve productivity and profitability of farm enterprises and bring large benefits for tens of thousands of smallholder farmers. 

For more information click here.

Launch of Enterprise for Development (EfD) Oct 2013

Keith has established and registered a new charity, EfD, whose mission is to achieve inclusive economic growth and elimination of poverty by promoting socially and environmentally sustainable private enterprise and social enterprise.


Keith Palmer awarded Honorary Doctorate by the University of Birmingham Jul 2013

Keith has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate honoris causa by the University of Birmingham for contributions to public life.

UK Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds announces £10 million funding for AgDevCo's investment in northern Ghana Jul 2013

During his visit to Ghana on the 4th July UK Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds announced that £10 million (USD 15 million) of funding for agricultural investment from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) will be channelled through AgDevCo. The fund will invest between USD 200,000 and 1,000,000 in the form of concessional debt and equity in small- and medium-sized agricultural businesses in northern Ghana. Hands on management support and technical assistance will also be provided. As a result 160,000 small-scale farmers will be linked to better markets and experience an increase in their income.

It is anticipated that the fund will be operational by the end of 2013. AgDevCo has already established an office in Ghana, making it easier to identify eligible businesses through their networks, business associations and occasional calls for proposals.

For the announcement click here

DFID announcement of £ 50m investment in AgDevCo Jun 2013


The UK government will boost investment into African farming and agriculture to help the continent tackle hunger and malnutrition. International Development Secretary Justine Greening made the announcement at the Nutrition for Growth event in London on 8th June, in the run up to the G8 Meetings. 

AgDevCo will receive £50 million from DFID to establish a new fund to invest in agricultural SMEs, smallholder farms and new agribusiness ventures.  This will benefit 650,000 people across Africa with jobs and better incomes, as well as help smallholder farmers grow more food to combat food shortages and malnutrition. 

Please click here for more information.

InfraCo Africa increases infrastructure development in sub-Saharan Africa Mar 2013

InfraCo Africa will further increase infrastructure development in sub-Saharan Africa following a favourable independent review of performance and the decision by PIDG to increase capital allocated to InfraCo Africa by over $100 million.

AgDevCo further expands operations Mar 2013

AgDevCo was launched in 2009 and has been active developing agricultural development opportunities in Mozambique, Ghana and Tanzania since inception. Following favourable reviews by funders of achievements to date and sourcing of additional capital AgDevCo now plans to further expand its operations in those countries and commence activity in Malawi and Zambia.

Keith Palmer appointed as non-executive Director of Monitor Apr 2012

Keith Palmer awarded OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List for contributions to economic development overseas Jun 2010

InfraCo Asia initiaties infrastructure development in South and South East Asia May 2010

Following the successful experience of InfraCo operating in sub-Saharan Africa InfraCo Asia was launched in May 2010. Keith was the founder Chairman of Infraco Asia and instrumental in the design and implementation of this PIDG initiative. 

Recent Publications

Financing Early Stage Agricultural Development in Africa, published in World Finance, December 2010
Author: Keith Palmer. The paper explains how catalytic finance and patient capital from donors and social impact investors invested in early stage agribusiness can stimulate viable agribusiness investments by private investors and generate major benefits for smallholder farmers and the communities in which they live.
Download 'Financing Early Stage Agricultural Development in Africa, published in World Finance, December 2010' paper (pdf 1.69mb)

Agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Africa: The case for patient capital. Briefing Paper March 2010
Author: Keith Palmer. The paper asks why, despite the huge agricultural potential in Africa, there has been so little private investment. It shows that there are high barriers to entry which deter investment. The conclusion is that there is a need for ‘patient’ capital from the international community to overcome the barriers to entry and kick-start sustainable, pro-poor agricultural development.
Download 'Agricultural growth and poverty reduction in Africa: The case for patient capital. Briefing Paper March 2010' paper (pdf 0.29mb)

Chiansi Irrigation: Patient Capital in Action: InfraCo Briefing Paper, March 2010
Authors: Keith Palmer, Richard Parry, Peter MacSporran, Han Derksen, Richard Avery and Paul Cartwright. Chiansi adopts a fundamentally new approach to boost food production and incomes of smallholder farmers. The result will be more than tripling of small farmers incomes, much improved food security and empowerment of rural communities. The paper describes the Chiansi model and highlights the critical importance of ‘patient’ capital.
Download 'Chiansi Irrigation: Patient Capital in Action: InfraCo Briefing Paper, March 2010' paper (pdf 0.28mb)

Reconfiguring Hospital Services, published by the Kings Fund March 2011.
The paper considers the quality of care and financial impacts of proposals to reconfigure hospital services in south-east London; and draws out lessons for the rest of the NHS in England about the merits of hospital reconfiguration as a means of driving up quality and driving down costs.
Download 'Reconfiguring Hospital Services, published by the Kings Fund March 2011.' paper (pdf 0.82mb)

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